Is an accelerator and incubator, powered by gener8tor, dedicated to attracting, supporting, and scaling high-growth startups in Rutland, Vermont.
- gALPHA: A free, four-week program designed for Vermont-based innovators, helping them develop ideas into viable startup concepts through hands-on coaching and workshops. Located at The HUB CoWorks, 67 Merchants Row, Suite 201, Rutland, Vermont.
- gBETA: A free, seven-week accelerator open to startups nationwide, providing mentorship, investor access, and support, with a special focus on those relocating to Rutland. Located at The HUB CoWorks, 67 Merchants Row, Suite 201, Rutland, Vermont.

Local Business Accelerator
Located at 67 Merchants Row, Suite 201, Rutland, VT
- 10-week live program
- Wednesdays 5-8PM
- April 16 to June 18
- Limited availability
- Enrollment is open
Determine whether your business idea is viable and how to get it started!
Vermont Small Business Development Center
Services include, but are not limited to:
• Business plan development
• Feasibility
• Acquisition
• Marketing
• Finance
• Expansion