The availability of high-quality healthcare in the Rutland Region ranges from walk-in clinics and urgent care facilities to a full-service regional medical center, mental health services and several choices of pharmacies.

State-of-the-Art Healthcare Technology

Healthcare and medical services providers in the Rutland Region employ sophisticated state-of-the-art technology including advanced diagnostic imaging, a top-of-the-line linear accelerator used in the treatment of cancer patients, and a diagnostic Cardiovascular and Angiographic Lab.

Wide Availability of Healthcare Services and Healthcare Professionals

Available primary care services include primary care physicians, general practitioners, family physicians, nurse practitioners,  dentists, and orthodontists. Community Health has primary care offices throughout Rutland County including, two Express Care offices, behavioral health services, pediatrics, and dental services. Secondary care availability includes Rutland Regional Medical Center as well as physical therapists, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, dietitians, and acute and emergency care. Community Care Network provides programs in behavioral health, developmental disabilities and early childhood education. In addition, the Rutland Region has several options for home care, long-term care, assisted living, treatment for substance use disorders, and other types of health and social care services.