Gain Exposure For Your Business at Winter In August!
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Calling all Restaurants, Caterers, Local Businesses & Food Providers!
Winter In August is held annually by the Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce, originally as a recognition of the ski industry’s contribution to the regional economy, has become a food festival and block party with over 600 people in attendance last year.
This year we will mark our 38th Annual Winter in August. We’ve scheduled this great opportunity to meet new customers, friends and suppliers for Tuesday, August 13, 2019, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Merchants Row (between West and Center Streets) in Downtown Rutland. The event draws local, state and US dignitaries.
This important Chamber Fundraiser is made possible by businesses who participate, the those who attend annually and our sponsors Davis & Hodgdon Associates CPA’s and Marcell’s Oil Company, with additional support from Killington TV, Foley Services and Casella Waste Systems.
We Need Your Help!
We are asking you to donate portions of food for our event. With over 600 people attending, this is an excellent opportunity for you to expose your business to a large segment
of the community in a 3 hour period of time. We are asking for your participation in this important Chamber fundraiser and marketing opportunity. Participants will be featured on and receive special recognition on social media, radio talk shows and more! So please join us and help make our event a success! There is no fee to participate, your contribution is your food donation.
Here’s how it works:
- We strongly encourage you to market your business! Bring menus, business cards, signs, coupons, etc.
- We ask that you supply at least 350 portions of food (350 chicken wings, 350 pastries, etc.)
- Eight foot tables will be provided with a linen tablecloth and skirting.
- There will be no electric hook-ups available, you are welcome to bring a grill, smoker, hot plates etc. We encourage you to bring your own tent, especially if you will be cooking on site. Our rental tents do not allow for cooking under them.
- All set-up must be done between 2:00 – 4:30 PM on August 13th.
- All businesses participating will receive the necessary complimentary admission for their staff.
- There are no kitchen facilities available. Please come prepared.
If you have questions, please call the Chamber office at 802-773-2747.
Best Display & Best Taste Awards!
Because so many businesses have gone all out and done creative displays and prepared such great food in the past, The Chamber acknowledges the effort with the: The Best Taste & Best Awards judged by a Chef led panel. There will also be a People’s Choice Award voted on by those in attendance.
Click here for sponsorship information.