Hello Rutland Region Chamber!

Tom Huebner is presented the 2017 Chamber Business Leader of the Year Award at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting
Here at the Chamber we are still reeling from a very exciting and energetic Annual Meeting that was held on October 19th. If you were there = thank you for coming – and if you weren’t, we missed you! I want to thank Bill Shouldice for an excellent Key note speech, Luke Stafford of Mondo Mediaworks for a great presentation on our Regional Marketing Initiative and Tom Huebner for graciously accepting our Business Person of the Year Award.

The Real Rutland logo has it’s debut at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting
We continue to be busy with our Regional Marketing Initiative and are pleased to say our marketing messages have been launched! If you are on social media, I am sure you have seen the Real Rutland campaign and the videos that have been created in our region over the past few months. If you haven’t checked out the website yet, head to realrutland.com and share your story about why you love the place we call home.
If you have any questions about the Initiative, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Everyone should be very excited about the Audi FIS Women’s World Cup coming to Killington during Thanksgiving weekend. The Killington Valley arm of the Regional Marketing Initiative will have a booth up in the village focused on available jobs in the area. It’s a fantastic event and if you didn’t get a chance to attend last year, I recommend you head up to the mountain and enjoy all the excitement.
Watch out for our upcoming event – The Real Rutland Feud which will take place at the culmination of the Winterfest Week on February 24th. It will be a great night of fun and laughs as area businesses try to figure out “What the Survey Says!”
Take time to enjoy the upcoming holidays and thanks for your membership – we really appreciate your support!!
Mary Cohen
802-773-2747 – [email protected]